IIT (BHU) Varanasi New Batch of 2023 Freshers

IIT (BHU), Varanasi, welcomed the new batch of 2023 on 7th August through an induction program held on both the 7th and 12th of August. After the freshers had settled into their hostels and embarked on this new journey, we asked them about their first perceptions of the college and the city, their views on the library and SAC, their thoughts on the timetable, and the infrastructural developments they would like to see, among other things.

The freshers provided a variety of interesting answers. At first sight, Varanasi appeared to many as a holy, religious, and spiritual city due to its temples. However, they also mentioned the city’s crowds and lack of cleanliness. The initial impressions of the campus were two-fold: some found it to be really good, while others noted the presence of bikes, outsiders, and animals, leading to a campus rating that ranged from 6 to 9.5 on a 10-point scale according to the freshers.

When questioned about the library and SAC, they couldn’t stop praising them. Phrases like “SAC and Library are some of the best parts of the campus,” “they have new infrastructure,” and “#sac to tagda hai” were among the different remarks from our freshers, highlighting their appreciation. Many mentioned that both spaces were quite spacious and well-equipped.

Opinions regarding classes and the timetable varied; some found them hectic, while others enjoyed the structure. Some expressed interest in the new subjects, while a few questioned the relevance of their studies, asking “why are we studying all of this?”

In terms of infrastructural development, the responses covered a wide range of suggestions, including air-conditioned classrooms, an IIT-owned common hall, an air-conditioned badminton court, and the addition of good cafes on campus.

IIT (BHU) Varanasi New Batch of 2023 Freshers