IIT (BHU) Foundation Receives $80,000 Donation for Access Fund

Ujjual Nath (MET ’79), Chairman and CEO at myKaarma, is an esteemed IIT BHU alumnus and recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award. With a remarkable commitment to both the Institute and growth of its alumni community, Mr. Nath has generously given back by constantly hiring and providing opportunities for over 30+ IIT BHU alumni at myKaarma.

Mr. Nath and his wife, Mamta, recently donated $80,000 to the IIT (BHU) Foundation Access Fund. This donation will help fund scholarships for incoming students.

The IIT (BHU) Foundation is looking to continue growing to support the Institute and the current and future students. The Foundation’s pillars of focus are campus infrastructure, research sponsorship & faculty support, and provide scholarships & financial aid for students. Please consider donating here

Thank you for considering a donation to the IIT (BHU) Foundation. If you are a U.S. resident, your donation may be tax deductible, according to applicable law.

IIT (BHU) Foundation Receives $80,000 Donation for Access Fund